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# Article layout article: # Article card layout scheme of the article list page preview: scheme:landscape# landscape # pin icon for post pin_icon: # auto generate title if not exist auto_title:true# false, true # auto generate excerpt if not exist auto_excerpt:true# false, true # show split line or not line_style:solid# hidden, solid, dashed, dotted # show readmore button readmore:auto# auto, always # The layout scheme of the article card body on the article details page body: # Top of article information # Take from meta_library top_meta: [author, category, date, counter] # ---------------- # Article footer component footer_widget: # ---------------- # Reference materials, related materials, etc. (for layout: post/docs) references: title:Reference icon:fasfa-quote-left # In front-matter: # references: #-title: an article # url: https:// # To display this component. # ---------------- # Related articles, plug-ins need to be installed (for layout: post) # npm i hexo-related-popular-posts related_posts: enable:false title:Relatedarticles icon:fasfa-bookmark max_count:5 # Set to empty to not use the article header placeholder_img: # ---------------- # Copyright notice component (for layout: post/docs) copyright: enable:true permalink:'Thepermanentlinktothisarticleis:' content: -'Thecontentoftheblogfollowstheattribution-non-commercialuse-shareinthesameway4.0International(CCBY-NC-SA4.0)agreement' -permalink # ---------------- # Reward component (for layout: post/docs) donate: enable:false images: - - # Information at the bottom of the article # Take from meta_library bottom_meta: [updated, tags, share] # meta library meta_library: # Default article author (can be overridden in front-matter) author: avatar: name:Pleasesettheauthorofthearticle url:/ # Article creation date date: icon:fasfa-calendar-alt title:'Postedon:' format:'ll'# Date format # Article update date updated: icon:fasfa-edit title:'Updatedat:' format:'ll'# Date format # Article classification category: icon:fasfa-folder-open # Article view count counter: icon:fasfa-eye unit:'Views' # Number of article comments: only valine is supported valinecount: icon:fasfa-comment-dots desc:''# comments # Article word count and reading time wordcount: icon_wordcount:fasfa-keyboard icon_duration:fasfa-hourglass-half # Article tags tags: icon:fasfa-hashtag # share it share: -id:qq img: -id:qzone img: -id:weibo img: -id:# qrcode # When id is qrcode, plug-in needs to be installed npm i hexo-helper-qrcode img:# -id:# telegram img:#
The values of top_meta and bottom_meta are taken from the meta_library library.
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