{% issues type | api=url | group=key:value1,value2(optional) %} |
Types of
According to different requirements, the content of issues will be parsed into different HTML tags. The currently supported types are:
-timeline: parsed into timeline tags, the title of the issue corresponds to the time of the timeline, and the content of the issue corresponds to the content of the timeline.
-sites: parsed into sites tag, need JSON code block:
{ |
Pass a URL that can be transferred, for example:
api=https://gitee.com/api/v5/repos/xaoxuu/friends/issues?sort=updated&state=open&page=1&per_page=100&labels=active |
The issues of the site type are not grouped by default. If you need to group, you can specify the grouping basis "key", and the grouping whitelist "value1" "value2", etc., for example:
group=version:v4,v3,v2 |
The function of this parameter is to filter out the data that contains "version": "v4"
or "version": "v3"
or "version": "v2"
in JSON and display them in groups.
{% issues timeline | api=https://gitee.com/api/v5/repos/xaoxuu/timeline/issues?state=open&creator=xaoxuu&sort=created&direction=desc&page=1&per_page=100 %} |
Corresponding warehouse link:
Friends chain
{% issues sites | api=https://gitee.com/api/v5/repos/xaoxuu/friends/issues?sort=updated&state=open&page=1&per_page=100&labels=active %} |
The labels=active
parameter in the above example can control the default issue not to be displayed, and it will only be displayed after the ʻactive` label is added after the self-review. The warehouse link corresponding to the above example:
This is the data of the "Sample Blog" page of the theme's official website:
{% issues sites | api=https://api.github.com/repos/volantis-x/examples/issues?sort=updated&state=open&page=1&per_page=100 | group=version:版本:^4.0,版本:^3.0,版本:^2.0 %} |
The warehouse link corresponding to the above example: