Microsoft has terminated support for Internet Explorer (IE) 10 and earlier versions in 2016. There are great security risks to continue using it. Please use contemporary mainstream browsers to access. Learn more >')
######## Plugins to improve loading speed: # Preload (The menu's url must end with ‘/’) instant_page:
######## Plugins to optimize the experience: # highlight.js highlightjs: js: css: # more:
# scrollreveal: js: distance:32px duration:800# ms interval:20# ms scale:1# 0.1~1
# Slide Background backstretch: enable:true js: position:cover# cover: sticky on the cover. fixed: Fixed as background for the site. shuffle:true# shuffle playlist duration:20000# Duration (ms) fade:1500# fade duration (ms) (Not more than 1500) images:# For personal use only. At your own risk if used for commercial purposes !!! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# APlayer is only available in mainland China. # APlayer config: aplayer: enable:true js: - - -js/aplayer.js # Required server:netease# netease, tencent, kugou, xiami, baidu type:playlist# song, playlist, album, search, artist id:3175833810# song id / playlist id / album id / search keyword # Optional fixed:false# enable fixed mode theme:'#1BCDFC'# main color autoplay:false# audio autoplay order:list# player play order, values: 'list', 'random' loop:all# player loop play, values: 'all', 'one', 'none' volume:0.7# default volume, notice that player will remember user setting, default volume will not work after user set volume themselves list_max_height:320px# list max height list_folded:true pjax: enable:true timeout:5000# The timeout in milliseconds for the XHR requests. Set to 0 to disable the timeout. cacheBust:false# When set to true, Pjax appends a timestamp to skip the browser cache. animation:nprogress# nprogress, circle banUrl:# 被屏蔽的 url 地址将不启用 pjax 跳转,可以在控制台下使用 window.location.pathname 获取 # - '/about/index.html'
plugins: ... backstretch: enable:true js: position:cover# cover: sticky on the cover. fixed: Fixed as background for the site. duration:20000# Duration (ms) fade:1500# fade duration (ms) (Not more than 1500) images:# For personal use only. At your own risk if used for commercial purposes !!! - ...
plugins: ... aplayer: enable:true js: - - # Required server:netease# netease, tencent, kugou, xiami, baidu type:playlist# song, playlist, album, search, artist id:3175833810# song id / playlist id / album id / search keyword # Optional fixed:false# enable fixed mode theme:'#1BCDFC'# main color autoplay:false# audio autoplay order:list# player play order, values: 'list', 'random' loop:all# player loop play, values: 'all', 'one', 'none' volume:0.7# default volume, notice that player will remember user setting, default volume will not work after user set volume themselves list_max_height:340px# list max height list_folded:true
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